
Your Voice Matters…Be Sure To Vote

We might not be a 50/50 country, but one of thirds: 1/3 vote blue, 1/3 vote red, and 1/3 don’t vote at all, which makes it harder to claim we are the greatest democracy on Earth when so many don’t believe their voice or vote matters. 

This issue started generations ago, tracing back to our very beginnings and our imperfect Founding Fathers’ view that some of us were less human or not intelligent enough to vote.

Over sixty countries representing nearly 50% of the world’s population will have elections this year. There’s never been a perfect candidate or leader for everybody. None of us will agree with all the positions that every candidate takes. They all have weaknesses and ways we wish they were different. 

As we get closer to election day, some will peddle false equivalencies to make you believe that every candidate is terrible even when the differences are stark or try to make it difficult for you to vote. After all, the easiest way to win an election is to make it harder for your opponent’s voters to vote. It’s just enough resistance to keep some from showing up to the ballot box.  

When things feel stressful or overwhelming, or you believe your voice doesn’t matter, one of the best things, in my experience, is to push through the resistance and take action – and the most straightforward action to take when it comes to elections is to vote. 

  • Vote like your voice matters because it does.
  • Vote like you’re responsible because, as a citizen, you are.
  • Vote like you care about the planet and our shared humanity.
  • Vote like someone will ask you what side of history you were on.

Your vote matters. Act like it does.

To register, go to and honor those who, generations ago, fought for your right to vote. 

Until next week, have fun storming the castle! 


Given the stress and anxiety our friends, family members, and colleagues are feeling, Pause Breathe Reflect is opening the doors to our like-hearted community to support all of us in navigating the election with more grace.  

Offer those you in life a gift of compassion and share our Guest Pass Membership through election day and put a beautiful ripple into this election season. 

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