Who's in Your Peloton

Who’s In Your Peloton?

On Wednesday, one of my friends popped into my mind. We hadn’t chatted in a while, so I rippled over a text to check-in. Her short reply got me worried, so I peeked at her Instagram. Sadly, that nasty visitor called cancer had come back. Her post showed her with friends who’d flown out to be with her.

As I’m gearing up for a big week celebrating My Last Bad Day, her situation has me reflecting on my own recovery and those who showed up (or didn’t) when my world came crashing down. I’ll always be grateful for those I knew would be there and even the surprise supporters. 

But I used to think the no-shows were just shitty humans. Over time, I’ve softened on this belief and have extended them grace because sometimes folks don’t show up, not because they don’t want to, but because they can’t in the way they’d like. 

A community of brightly clad cyclists known as the peloton have arrived for The Tour de France. For the next few weeks, they will remind us that we go far together. Let’s face it: We need each other—always have, always will.

Like a squad or your personal board of directors, a no-pedal peloton has your back. The strongest ones are dynamic, supportive, and have diverse roles. 

Crisis: These are your emergency responders. They show up when things get rough and ask where you need support. 

Comfort: Your go-to people when you’re hurting or grieving. They’ll sit with you and make sure you know you’re not alone.

Challenge: The ones who open your aperture and guide you outside your comfort zone. 

Clarity: These folks support you when you’re stuck. They ask brilliant questions that help you move forward. 

Celebration:  These people are your biggest cheerleaders. When you’re having a big moment, they bring mudita and chips to the party. 

Coaching legend Jim Rohm, who contributed to the careers of Tim Ferris and Tony Robbins, said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” 

I’ve always questioned if there’s sound science behind the number five, but the concept aligns with the idea of a peloton. The ones that go the distance have energy and are caring, trustworthy, and agile. They have no room for sycophants or critics standing outside the arena. 

They can help cure cancer and advise a President, but while they can’t guarantee success, they’re vital to living a happy, vibrant life.

“Alone, all alone / Nobody, but nobody / Can make it out here alone.”

– Maya Angelou

When I’m sharing my story on stage or chatting on a podcast, it might look like I’m pedaling alone. But the truth is, there’s a whole bunch of like-hearted folks right there with me. They’ve all helped me shift from My Last Bad Day –  and they includes you.

So thanks for being in my peloton and riding with me. 😀🚴‍♂️🧡

As I Pause, Breathe, Reflect on how far we’ve come, I’ve got a special treat for you. My second book, “My Last Bad Day Shift,” was a bestseller in many categories. It’s a quick read packed with good vibes, including a “Who’s in Your Peloton?” assessment. 

Want a FREE copy? Fill out this Google Form, and I’ll send you a signed copy.

Until I drop in next, have fun storming the castle, and send good healing vibes to my friend and everyone else trying to best whatever is in front of them. 

Peace + Kindness


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