The Kintsugi Podcast with Danielle Cobo

What Happens When You Write Your Obituary with Danielle Cobo

Welcome to another powerful episode of the Kintsugi Podcast. This week, we dive deep into the heart and mind of Danielle Cobo, a woman whose story embodies the very essence of resilience, grit, and the indomitable spirit of overcoming adversity. Join us as we explore her extraordinary journey through personal and professional upheavals and discover the lessons she’s learned about perseverance, identity, and finding joy amid life’s storms.

Danielle’s Story of Transformation and Resilience 

    • The Beginning of the Storm: Danielle opens up about the series of life-altering events that began in 2020, including her husband’s deployment, her mother’s suicide, the onset of the pandemic, and a toxic work environment that led her to leave her job.
    • Finding Her Footing: Amidst the chaos, Danielle shares her steps to regain control over her life, emphasizing the importance of pausing, self-reflection, and redefining success on her terms.

Key Quotes: 

    • On Overcoming Adversity: “It was a long journey to where I’m at today did not happen overnight… I had to learn to redefine who I was beyond my job, my title, my income.”
    • On the Power of Pause: “The first step I took was a pause. To really do the inner work, I knew I needed to give myself that space.”

The Path to Self-Discovery: 

    • Danielle discusses the transformative power of asking for feedback and writing her own obituary and how these exercises helped her see herself through the eyes of others and clarify her purpose and legacy.

Embracing Vulnerability and Change: 

    • A New Direction: Danielle’s pivot from seeking traditional employment to embracing her role as a career consultant, keynote speaker, and author.
    • The Impact of Kindness: How small acts of vulnerability and asking for help led to unexpected opportunities and endorsements for her book.

Danielle’s Core Principles: 

    • Take care of yourself, take care of your family, and then take care of your business.
    • The importance of establishing boundaries and prioritizing self-care to prevent burnout.

Continue The Ripple 

Danielle’s BookUnstoppable Grit: Break Through the 7 Roadblocks Standing Between You and Achieving Your Goals – released Feb. 21st, 2024.

Danielle on IG LinkedIn and her website

Danielle Cobo’s journey is a beacon of hope and a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is a path forward through resilience, community, and self-discovery. Her story encourages us to look beyond the surface, embrace our struggles as opportunities for growth, and always remember that we are stronger together.

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