Walk Your Labyrinth Slowly | Life is a Journey
“We retreat to return.” – America Poet, Michael Posner.
This week I was off – like the volume’s on zero – at a five-day silent meditation retreat in Connecticut. The days started at seven, and we finished up around nine. For those, who think that mindfulness is soft, it’s not.
Doing nothing takes a ton of energy and effort, and nothing wakes you up, sharpens your focus, or helps you approach living more calmly than mindfulness.
When was the last time you were silent – just you with you? This means that Spotify isn’t playing in the background, and Audible is quiet, as is your favorite podcast. Oh, there’s no Googling, reading, binging, or writing. Like as I said, just you with you.
Sometimes we need to be like an oyster and close our mouths to let the pearl grow inside us. We retreat to return more engaged in our one wild and precious life.
While there, I walked the labyrinth five times a day, and it took 240 breaths (yes I counted) or forty-five minutes to complete it. Labyrinths are wonderfully symbolic of life’s twists and turns and the unexpected events that will take us places that may surprise or even stress us. Unlike a maze, it only has one path – we start at birth, walk toward the center or enlightenment and walk back out, which symbolizes our passing.
Today’s video is about my labyrinth walks, and after, I invite you to enjoy the silence for five minutes. And if that feels too uncomfortable, you may need to sit a little longer – whatever it is can wait, but your life can’t.
Would you like to receive complimentary, short reminder text messages to help you manage stress, sharpen your focus, and discover how going slow will help you go faster? Please send me a text to 503-487-5957, and I will get you set up. It will be the best way to stay connected in 2022.
As we approach the end of the year, I’m sure you can’t wait to exhale and take a break. That’s why I created Reflect, Reset, and Renew to help you chill out before you burn out. It’s a four-part series, and you can secure our pre-order pricing today.
Until next week, remember to Pause Breathe Reflect and have fun storming the castle!