Slow is Fast – Friday’s Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation
This week’s Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation is geared to help when life feels like it's rushing by at 100 miles per hour. Remember slow may be the best way to go fast.
Don’t Fall In Love With Your Plan
In this episode of the Kintsugi Podcast, Michael continues his bike ride across America. This week, we are in Wyoming, The Equality State.
The Guest House – Friday’s Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation
This week’s Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation is inspired by Rumi’s poem.
Fitting Out with Kirra Michel
Today, we're joined by Kirra Michel from One Peloton, and we talk about her journey and how, by not fitting in, she found where she belongs. It's a powerful story of connection.
The Oil Change – Friday’s Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation
This week’s Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation is inspired by the oil changes I would get for my car when I started my professional career. In this practice, we will check in with
Suneel Gupta on Mindfulness, Dharma, and the Art of Energy Management
Today, we're joined by Suneel Gupta, a figure once synonymous with the word "failure" in search engines but whose journey teaches us about
Anywhere and Everywhere – Friday’s Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation
Mindfulness is a practice that you can do anywhere and everywhere. It’s a way of living, not just for Temples, Spas, and soul-search treks out into the desert. This week’s shor
Making Work Work Better with Seth Godin
Making Work Work Better with Seth Godin
Everything Happens – Friday’s Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation
If your mind wanders, don’t worry. You’re officially human. Our minds wander about 50% of the time. In this week’s practice, we will allow everything to happen and let thing
Being More Afraid of Not Living Than Dying – Stories From My Ride Across America
Join Michael in Wisdom, Montana as he cycles across America.