Episode #12 – How to Dance with Fear and R.I.S.K.
Today’s conversation was recorded during our 25th wedding anniversary trip to Costa Rica. I share how I danced with my fear of heights and R.I.S.K. To discover more visit ww
Episode #11 – I AM, I CAN, I WILL, I DO with Christine D’Ercole
Today’s Conversation about Resilience is with Christine D’Ercole. You may know her from One Peloton Spin Bikes but I wanted to talk to her about her work with self-talk
Episode #10 – How to Forgive
Today’s conversation was recorded in memory of Eva Korr who taught me about forgiveness during a family trip to Poland. To discover more visit www.kintsugipodcast.com and
Episode #9 – Grey Hairs, Wrinkles and Scars
Today’s Conversation about Resilience is all about the awesome-sauce behind our grey hairs, wrinkles and scars and how they symbolize resilience. To discover more please visi
Episode #8 – Are you a Tourist or Citizen?
Today’s conversation was after coming home from Costa Rica and seeing the differences between being a citizen and tourist. To discover more visit www.kintsugipodcast.com an
Episode #7 – How to Slay Imposter Syndrome
Today’s conversation was recorded after a workshop on imposter syndrome. I wanted to set the record straight that guys deal with this as well and my tips for slaying it when
Episode #6 – Hope from Corona
In today’s Conversation about Resilience, I share 10 things I hope will come from our corona crisis to help us work and live better together. What do you hope for? To discove
Episode #5 – You Get What You Get
Today’s conversation was during a visit to California to visit my youngest daughter at college and it includes one of her first lessons on gratitude. To discover more visit
Episode #4 – It’s All About Your Ripple
Today’s conversation was recorded during the 2nd week of corona and it is about being mindful of the ripple we are sending and receiving. To discover more visit www.kintsugip
Episode #3 – This Too Shall Pass
Today’s conversation is was recorded at the start of our coronavirus crisis in the United States. We are getting through this moment. To discover more visit www.kintsugipodca