Open Awareness: 5 Things To Do Hard Things
Join Michael in this episode of the Kintsugi Podcast as he shares lessons learned from his bike ride across America and provides insightful tips on how to do hard things. Discover the power of open awareness, learn the importance of setting bite-sized goals, and explore the value of having a strong support system. Don’t miss out on this inspiring conversation about resilience and personal growth.
Key Points:
1. Embracing Open Awareness and the beauty of life’s experiences.
2. Knowing your why and finding motivation to fulfill your dreams.
3. Breaking things down into manageable micro goals.
4. Playing the long game and managing your energy for sustained success.
5. Cultivating a growth mindset and embracing challenges.
6. The importance of riding with a supportive peloton for collective success.
– Download the free workbook on how to create a better life at MichaelOBrienShift.com.
– Check out the Pause, Breathe, Reflect app for mindfulness practices.
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Websites: Executive Coaching and Speaking and Pause Breathe Reflect and The Kintsugi Podcast
Sponsors: Pause Breathe Reflect Meditation and Gratitude App
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