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12 Clever Ways to Convince Yourself to Work Out
Here’s something you may not know: Even the most seasoned, habitual exercisers struggle with that “I don’t feel like working out,” feeling. Trainers and professional athletes deal with it, too. Here, they explain how to get yourself to work out, even if it’s the last thing you feel like doing.

Missy's Product Reviews - Holiday Gift Guide 2020
This has been one heck of a year with so many uncertain things happening from the coronavirus, black lives matter protests, the election, homeschooling and it has been stressful. Michael O'Brien's new Pause, Breathe, and Reflect T-Shirt has three essential messages.

5 Ways To Slay Your Excuses And Become More Productive
If you desire to drop your excuses and become more productive, here are five ways I recommend to help you shift from why you can’t and to why you can.

16 Best Movies Every Entrepreneur Should Watch
Regardless of where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, here are ten movies that will be sure to inspire you to push through your challenging moments, and none of them are about sports or bro-culture. These movies will surely encourage you, boost your productivity, and help bring imagination, originality, vision, and flair to your role. Well, maybe a couple of them come close. I’ll let you decide.

Using G.R.A.C.E. To Become More Resilient
When I struggled to get back up in the hospital, I developed my G.R.A.C.E. model to help me keep pedaling. Here’s how you can use G.R.A.C.E. to get back up and become more resilient.