Letting Go | Crossing a bridge with a stranger and Dua Lipa
This week, I had a few topics to share, like my inner-talk from last week’s perfectly imperfect video link hiccup (see video) or the moment my physical therapist caught me in a no-bueno total-knee-replacement progress moment.
But these can wait because I woke up today from a vivid dream and this poem. This week’s video is about last night’s wild dream that includes bridges, strangers, Dua Lipa, and letting go.
Yes, I know it doesn’t make sense, but stay with me. It will in the end.
Perhaps this is the season
to step fully into the beautiful reality
of what it means to be free
brave and adventurous
and ready for the journey
of learning and growing
of living and knowing
you do not have to have every answer
to breathe deep and keep going (pedaling-my little insert).
~ Morgan Harper Nichols
Hey, don’t forget to sign up for our One Ripple Challenge.
Here are some FAQs:
Q: Isn’t too long, Michael? A: Compared to what? Did you know it takes sixty-six days to form a habit, and what is better than a habit of gratitude, kindness, and self-care?
Q: Isn’t too woo-woo for corporate folks? A: Yes, compared to the crap on T.V. and a soulless LinkedIn feed. Here’s the thing, if Mickey D’s is super-sizing kindness, then call me Morgan Spurlock.
Q: What if I miss a day? A: Start again tomorrow – just don’t miss two days in a row because then you have two points on a graph and one away from a trend.
Q: Can I do it with my friends and colleagues? A: As Ally Love would say, “Yes and Yes.” It sure beats those weekly status update meetings. Plus, if you bring together a group of ten or more, then I got something special for you.
I promise it will change your life and it’s the perfect thing to do with your friends and work colleagues, and when finished, you will have a life-long habit of rippling goodness and one less holiday gift to buy.
How awesome sauce is that?!?
Until next week, remember to Pause Breathe Reflect and have fun storming the castle!
p.s., Tomorrow is my birthday, and everything at our Pause Breathe Reflect store is 54% off, but the sale starts for you today since you are part of our peloton.