He Doesn’t Care About Your Story
This episode wraps up the final segment of my journey biking across America, a ride that took me from the rugged coasts of Oregon to the heart of Washington, D.C. Along the way, I experienced the vast beauty of this country and the profound stories of the people I met. From laughter to tears, from hope to heartbreak, each mile brought a deeper understanding of what it means to be connected. America isn’t perfect, but it’s resilient. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that our ability to heal and grow together is the greatest story we can write. Tune in as we face “the home stretch” and a plea to all my fellow Americans to help make our future better.
Key moments of this interview:
2:00 Acknowledging America’s Beauty and Blemishes
4:00 The Power of Healing and Coming Together
9:00 My Encounter with President Trump
13:45 Encouragement to Vote for Change
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