Lindsaya Gold

From Motherhood to Wellness Warrior: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Self-Acceptance | Lindsaya VanDeusen

In this heartfelt episode of the Kintsugi Podcast, host Michael O’Brien sits down with Lindsaya VanDusen, a wellness warrior, mom, and advocate for self-love and authenticity. Lindsaya shares her inspiring journey from struggling with self-acceptance to embracing her true self. She discusses her transformative experience with breast implant removal, the challenges of loving her body, and the profound impact of community and self-love practices.

Key Quotes from Lindsaya: 

  1. “I live in a place of such deep empowerment because I am more than my body.”
  2. “For so long, I’ve abused my body. I’ve treated it like something that had let me down rather than realizing it has always carried me, it has always forgiven me, it has always kept me safe.”
  3. “My love for my body, the soul that’s contained within this meat suit, is so much admiration for what she has done for me.”


  • Self-Love and Empowerment: Lindsaya discusses the pivotal moment when she decided to embrace self-love and empowerment, despite societal pressures and personal struggles.
  • Breast Implant Journey: A candid recount of Lindsaya’s decision to get breast implants, the subsequent health challenges, and the courageous decision to have them removed.
  • Community and Support: The importance of community in Lindsaya’s healing process and how she created a supportive space for others on similar journeys.
  • Body Positivity: Lindsaya’s journey to appreciate and love her body, highlighting the importance of body positivity and self-acceptance.


  • Pause, Breathe, Reflect App: A mindfulness app designed to help bring mindfulness to everyday moments.
  • Wellness Warriors Community: Lindsaya’s supportive community for individuals on a wellness journey.

Connect with Lindsaya:

Next Steps: Reflect on what resonated the most with you from Lindsaya’s story. How can you weave these insights into your own life to enhance your journey of self-love and authenticity?

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