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Dear God…

Good Morning, God,

Right now, Mother Nature is throwing us one heck of a storm; the crashing rain against the windows woke me up, so can we talk?

“Where shall we start?” you ask.

Well, this is funny. At least, I think it is. The other day, I was thinking about my freshman religion class when I was asked, “Mr. O’Brien, what nationality was Jesus?”

The class clown in me gave it a pause, created a little silent tension, and said, “Well, he was Irish, of course.” I’ve never seen Father O’Malley laugh so hard, but it didn’t stop him from asking a more serious student for the answer.

Yes, right. Well, I thought it was funny. 

Let’s go back to your question.

As you probably know, although I don’t expect you to focus on me because you have some big things to solve, I’m down in the Blue Ridge. My Dad would call this God’s Country, but I never understood when he said it because aren’t you everywhere?

That said, being down here, especially when I’m on my bike, I sense the awe that comes when you’re in wide-open spaces. It’s like I’m just a spec within The Universe.

It’s wild that we’re on this tiny molten mass, hurling our way through an ever-expanding universe and walking around taking it all for granted. It’s mind-blowing that we are even here, and it’s hilarious that we think we have it all figured out, but in reality, even though we crave certainty, we are clueless.

Do you also think it’s hilarious? 
Or are we a little annoying? 

Hey, I wouldn’t blame you for feeling this way. 
Have you seen what’s happening?

By the way, in these parts, you have a lot of fans, and they’re concerned and anxious, given how much they rely on the government to survive. They also like some other guy, but I can’t imagine you getting along. I heard Mother Nature isn’t a fan. But what do I know? – I thought your Son was Irish, but, you know, aren’t we all?

Yes, I hear you, but I still think it’s funny. 

Well, since spring is right around the corner, I have something to ask.

Can you get with Mother Earth and The Universe and give us a sign or some seeds to plant to help us remember that while we are anxious about the future, we can still find gratitude for our nature and create moments of joy?

Sometimes, we forget. 
We’re human, after all. 
But you already knew that.

Thanks for listening.

I’m going back to watch the storm and grab that latte that You, Mother Earth, and The Universe have poured into my M.U.G. Thanks for barista services.

May you grant us the serenity
To accept the things we cannot change
The courage to change the things we can, and
The wisdom to know the difference.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. 
May the luck of the Irish be with us all. ☘️


Look for a special announcement on Wednesday to help us choose joy and become whole again as we welcome a new season.

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