Season 2 – Episode #37 – Change Your Breathing, Change Your Health with Dr. Amy Novotny
Our lives are a constant learning process on how to deal with pain, physical or emotional, on overcoming our fight-flight-freeze response when dealing with stressful situations, and understanding how to slow everything down and be present in the moment.
In today’s episode of the Kintsugi Podcast, we are joined in our conversation about resilience by dr. Amy Novotny, a pioneer in the pain relief healthcare community, author, and awarded photographer who shares my passion for sports and confirms my conviction that our breath is the most important element in rediscovering our inner stability, gaining emotional and physical fortitude, and reconnecting our mind and body.
Key Points:
1. Dr. Amy Novotny’s outlook on resilience (02:38)
2. Life story- discovering her love for biology and sports and realizing the importance of breath in pain relief (05:24)
3. PABR (Pain-Awareness-Breathing-Relief)- learning how to breathe (11:42)
4. Visualizing PABR (21:20)
“Our ability to go through those hard times and come back just as good, if not better, that’s a sign of resilience”.
“It can be a messy journey along the way […] but the ability to actually grow from that experience and gain skills, to me that’s the hardest form of resilience”.
“We have a whole bunch of people walking around in a very stressful last nineteen months, which is already activating our fight-flight (response), but breathing in a way that sort of adds logs to that fire, which is probably leading or at least contributing in part to some of the burnout feeling, and just overall exhaustion that we’re all feeling right now, at this point in the year”.
My guest, Dr. Amy Novotny:
-Founder of PABR Institute, two times 100-mile ultra marathoner, four times Boston Marathoner, award-winning photographer, best-selling author.
The PABR Institute – official site (Pain-Awareness-Breathing-Relief)
Dr. Novotny’s social media: Linkedin | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube
Contact Dr. Novotny: [email protected]
Dr. Novotny’s books:
Success habits of Super Achievers
Don’t Quit- Stories of Persistence, Courage, and Faith
Boston Marathon– is an annual marathon race hosted by several cities in greater Boston in eastern Massachusetts, United States. It is traditionally held on Patriots’ Day, the third Monday of April.
Boston Marathon– official site.
Boston Marathon- social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Marine Corps Marathon– (MCM) is an annual marathon held in Washington D.C. and Arlington, Virginia. It promotes physical fitness, generates community goodwill, and showcases the organizational skills of the United States Marine Corps.
Marine Corps Marathon– official site.
Marine Corps Marathon- social media: Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Flickr | Instagram
Wim Hof– also known as The Iceman, is a Dutch motivational speaker and extreme athletenoted for his ability to withstand freezing temperatures. He has set Guinness World Recordsfor swimming under ice and prolonged full-body contact with ice, and previously held the record for a barefoot half marathon on ice and snow.
Wim Hof official site: The Wim Hof Breathing Method
Wim Hof social media: Youtube | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Vimeo
To discover more visit:
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Prevent Bad Moments from Turning into Bad Days
Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows
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5 minutes of meditation- Pause Breathe Reflect on Clubhouse