It’s What Adults Do
Cruelty —– Decency
Going Back —– Moving Forward
Control —— Freedom
Take —– Serve
Hurt —— Heal
Listen to Reply —- Listen to Understand
Misalignment —– Integrity
Fear—– Love
Reactive —– Thoughtful
Me —— Us
Overwhelmed —– Focused on What Matters
Divide —– Connect
Blame —– Responsibility
Each time we’re fortunate enough to greet a new day, it’s more important than ever to remember that we have the power to choose how we show up.
Yes, the playing field isn’t always level, and you might have been dealt a challenging hand. Life isn’t easy—especially in times that seem to reward cynicism and self-interest.
But then again, easy never accomplished much.
Sleepwalking and finger-pointing our way through life is lazy. It takes courage to look in the mirror and take responsibility. This approach acknowledges the difficulties of life without succumbing to them, allowing us to show up as a light in the darkness. It’s what adults do.
Remember, our individual actions, no matter how small, contribute to the collective atmosphere of our communities and our nation.
No matter what’s happening, we can always choose hope and joy.
Until next week, have fun storming the castle!
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Join us tomorrow at 7:30 am (-5 GMT) to set your intention(s) for the week ahead. You’ll be glad you did!
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