Jennifer Fox on Kintsugi

Breaking The Cycle: Jennifer Fox’s Path to Sobriety and Self-Discovery

In this powerful episode of The Kintsugi Podcast, I sit down with Jennifer Fox, a woman whose life journey is a profound testament to resilience, courage, and the power of transformation. Jennifer’s story is filled with heart-wrenching experiences and triumphant moments of self-discovery and healing.

Episode Highlights:

Jennifer’s Tumultuous Journey: Jennifer shares the intense and painful events of her life, including her mother’s battle with addiction and her own struggles with personal loss and health issues. From finding her mother overdosing on heroin to the passing of her brother from an overdose, Jennifer’s narrative is one of survival against the odds.

Embracing Change and Seeking Healing: Discover how Jennifer’s decision to take control of her life led her to sobriety and a journey of self-improvement. Her commitment to an alcohol-free year in 2020 amidst the global pandemic marks a significant turning point, demonstrating her strength and determination.

The Power of Community and Support: Jennifer discusses the importance of surrounding oneself with a positive and supportive community. She highlights how finding new circles of friends and engaging in virtual communities during the pandemic played a crucial role in her healing process.

Jennifer’s Inspirational Work: Learn about Jennifer’s initiative, Dragonolia, a community and coffee business dedicated to supporting individuals in recovery and their families. Through storytelling and community building, Jennifer aims to remove the stigma of addiction and inspire others to live openly and courageously.

Key Topics:

  • The impact of family addiction and personal loss
  • The journey to sobriety and personal transformation
  • The role of community and support in healing
  • The significance of Dragonolia and its mission
  • Embracing a life of intention and authenticity

Timestamped Highlights:

  • [00:02:35] Jennifer shares the series of traumatic events that shaped her life.
  • [00:10:18] Discussing the turning point in 2019 and her decision to quit drinking.
  • [00:26:03] The importance of community and support in Jennifer’s journey.
  • [00:36:45] Insights into Jennifer’s initiative, Dragonolia, and its impact.
  • [00:50:54] Jennifer reflects on her growth and the importance of living with intention.
  • [01:10:47] The profound effect of Jennifer’s gratitude practice and morning routine.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Dragonolia: Learn more about Jennifer’s community initiative and coffee business.
  • Heron Project: Supporting individuals and families affected by addiction.
  • Pause Breathe Reflect App: Mindfulness app to help you bring calm and clarity to your day.

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